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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Shadow of Mt. Lemmon
Most of the time when I am at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter I am showing guests the sunset as part of our nightly SkyNights program. Last night I had gone up the mountain with my son Ian to do a little work and help out one of my colleagues. Given that he was leading the program I was able to look to the east at sunset and observed the shadow of Mount Lemmon being projected on the inside of the Earth's atmosphere. This phenomenon is observable from many high mountaintops, and last night the colors were particularly beautiful. Ian took the image below just as we were heading off the mountain. Notice the dark blue shadow just above the mountains in the distance.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Lunar Eclipse ~ There's nothing to see here...move along
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I had planned to get out of bed at about 5:30 to brew some coffee and start watching the eclipse, but subconsciously I must have been fairly excited as my eyes popped open at 4 AM and I could not fall back asleep. I took a look outside as the predictions were for thick cirrus clouds and to my surprise the skies were reasonably clear. I had not been up at this hour to do any astronomy in quite some time, so with well over an hour prior to the eclipse, I opened up my observatory and took my first look at Mars during this apparition. Unfortunately, the seeing was poor and using my 12 inch SCT I had to keep magnifications very low to obtain a steady image at the eyepiece. As Mars is only about 7.5 arcseconds in diameter right now, it was very difficult to tease out any of the features at low magnification, other than the bright north polar cap...and even that was ill defined. Given that Mars was high overhead in Leo, I was not expecting much more when pointing the scope over to Saturn. Saturn is not far from the bright star Spica and is sitting much closer to the southern horizon. Similar to Mars, the image of Saturn in the eyepiece was mush. Back inside to warm up and pour a cup of coffee and start eclipse watching.
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While I am not a photographer, I do want to call attention to accomplished Arizona amateur astronomer Tom Polakis who imaged the eclipse. Based near Phoenix, Tom Polakis captured several nice images that he stitched into a time lapse. Click on the image below to see the time lapse full size. This represents exactly how the eclipse appeared to me visually.
Tucson based amateur astronomer and photographer Sam Rua traveled east of Kitt Peak National Observatory and captured this beautiful photograph of the eclipsed moon and some thin cirrus clouds setting behind the observatories. You can visit Sam's gallery by clicking here.
Rock and Roll Sun
This video is a must see- from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. You can watch it over and over and each time you will see more and more activity on the Sun...simply amazing!
According to the SDO group:
"Over the past 24 hours we have seen some beautiful solar events. None of them have a direct impact on Earth, but they are astonishing to watch. It just shows how an active Star our Sun really is. Far from boring.
On December 8, 2011 a twisting prominence eruption occurred on the lower eastern limb. The view through the AIA 304 angstrom filter shows us this beautiful eruption.
In the early hours of December 9, 2011 SDO observed a little bit of a different eclipse. An erupting cloud of plasma was eclipsed by a dark magnetic filament. The eruption is still on the far side of the Sun, behind the eastern limb and is slowly moving forward and over the limb sometime next week.
In front you can observe the filament of relatively cool dark material floating across the Sun's surface in the foreground. That filament partially blocks the view of the hot plasma eruption behind it."
Make sure your speakers are on for the full rock concerto....
According to the SDO group:
"Over the past 24 hours we have seen some beautiful solar events. None of them have a direct impact on Earth, but they are astonishing to watch. It just shows how an active Star our Sun really is. Far from boring.
On December 8, 2011 a twisting prominence eruption occurred on the lower eastern limb. The view through the AIA 304 angstrom filter shows us this beautiful eruption.
In the early hours of December 9, 2011 SDO observed a little bit of a different eclipse. An erupting cloud of plasma was eclipsed by a dark magnetic filament. The eruption is still on the far side of the Sun, behind the eastern limb and is slowly moving forward and over the limb sometime next week.
In front you can observe the filament of relatively cool dark material floating across the Sun's surface in the foreground. That filament partially blocks the view of the hot plasma eruption behind it."
Make sure your speakers are on for the full rock concerto....
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thanksgiving thanks to Herschel
Tonight was the third clear night in a row here at the Lost Pleiad Observatory, and unfortunately, the last night of this extended Thanksgiving weekend. I knew that I would not last as long tonight so decided to concentrate on just two constellations in my Herschel 400 observing program, Triangulum and Pegasus. Together these constellations account for 6 of the Herschel 400 objects and one of them in particular is quite captivating...
Triangulum - The Triangle:
NGC 598 - The Triangulum galaxy, M33. This object has always been fascinating to me. I have seen it with naked eye averted vision from Portal, AZ., and on other occasions been unable to see it in binoculars. It has a very low surface brightness and despite it's large apparent size, detecting any spiral structure is a challenge. My best view has actually been in my TEC 140 APO from Portal, AZ. Tonight, in my 12 inch SCT I was able to make out the "S" shape of the galaxy, as well as several knots in the arms, particularly the northern arm. The small nebular HII region NGC 604 was the brightest. Not one of my best, but the sketch at left was completed tonight (0345 UT 11.28.2011) using a magnification of 145x.
Pegasus - The Winged Horse:
NGC 7217 - A fairly large and slightly elongated 11th magnitude galaxy with a slightly brighter nucleus.
NGC 7331 - A famous target in this constellation that I have observed in many different telescopes. Very bright, elongated galaxy with a very bright elongated nucleus, containing an even brighter central region.
NGC 7448 - Large galaxy, much fainter than previous two. No detail seen- slightly elongated.
NGC 7479 - Another galaxy that I have observed frequently in the Schulman 32 inch telescope at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter where I work. This galaxy is quite elongated in the eyepiece, but no trace of the spiral arms is noted tonight. Slight brightening in the middle.
NGC 7814 - A very bright elongated galaxy with a very bright but small nucleus.
Herschel 400 count: 65 down, 335 remaining!
Triangulum - The Triangle:
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Pegasus - The Winged Horse:
NGC 7217 - A fairly large and slightly elongated 11th magnitude galaxy with a slightly brighter nucleus.
NGC 7331 - A famous target in this constellation that I have observed in many different telescopes. Very bright, elongated galaxy with a very bright elongated nucleus, containing an even brighter central region.
NGC 7448 - Large galaxy, much fainter than previous two. No detail seen- slightly elongated.
NGC 7479 - Another galaxy that I have observed frequently in the Schulman 32 inch telescope at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter where I work. This galaxy is quite elongated in the eyepiece, but no trace of the spiral arms is noted tonight. Slight brightening in the middle.
NGC 7814 - A very bright elongated galaxy with a very bright but small nucleus.
Herschel 400 count: 65 down, 335 remaining!
Herschel 400 ~ Part Deux
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William Herschel |
Auriga- The Charioteer:
NGC 1664 - An open cluster that displays several relatively bright stars, spread well apart, with a nice line of faint stars leading away from the cluster.
NGC 1857 - Another open cluster with many more stars than the above cluster; more condensed and generally a more pleasing view.
NGC 1907 - A fainter cluster than the ones above, but I'd still consider it bright overall although it contains many more faint stars.
NGC 1931 - As stars go this is nothing unusual for an open cluster...however, near the center is a very bright patch of nebulosity that contains three very close stars. Most of the time, due to seeing, only two stars were visible but at high power during the fractions of a second where things steadied, a third star popped into view.
NGC 2126 - A medium sized open cluster with about 20-30 stars.
NGC 2281 - Another typical open cluster. Unremarkable. About 10 bright stars with a smattering of fainter ones.
Taurus - The Bull:
NGC 1647 - A very large cluster nearly filling the field of view (eyepiece TFOV = .7 degrees) with several brighter stars.
NGC 1817 - A pretty open cluster with well over 100 stars, the richest cluster yet tonight! Less than .25 degree in size.
Orion - The Hunter...I've spent a lot of time in this constellation and previously observed most of these objects:
NGC 1788 - A bright patch of nebulosity with two stars embedded. It is irregular in shape.
NGC 1980 - Another bright nebula at the end of the sword of Orion. Small, surrounding the star Iota Orionis. Often ignored in favor of it's famous neighbor, the Great Orion Nebula.
NGC 1999 - Another "bright" nebula. Not much to look at visually, but photographically this is the famous "keyhole" nebula, containing a true dark void (not dust) in it's center.
NGC 2022 - Yes, a planetary nebula...probably my favorite class of deep sky object due to their subtle nature. This one is definitely blue/green with a brighter center. No sign of the central star.
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NGC 2024 |
NGC 2169 - A nice compact grouping of similarly bright stars that exactly form the numerals "3" and "7"...I recognized this cluster at once as the "37" cluster but did not recall the NGC number!
NGC 2186 - A compact group of fainter stars, maybe 30 of them...a deep sky stepchild in this constellation.
NGC 2194 - An unusually shaped cluster, almost a rectangle. Fairly bright and rich and well condensed.
Eridanus - The River:
NGC 1084 - This is an elongated galaxy that appears a little brighter than its listed 12th magnitude. No details seen.
NGC 1407 - A round galaxy with an obviously brighter nucleus. These targets are low on the horizon making observations challenging.
NGC 1535 - A striking planetary nebula that is quite blue in color. Quite round. The central 2/3 of the nebula is markedly brighter than the outer 1/3.
59 objects down, 341 to go!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Herschel 400, the official start
Often when observing at night, I tend to follow a familiar pattern. I will observe any planets that are in the sky, I make sketches of any available comets, I visit some of my favorite Messier objects, and then I'll pick a constellation and observe some of its deep sky objects until I am ready to head indoors. Last night was a very dark and clear night at the Lost Pleiad Observatory, and on a lark I said to myself "self, lets finally, officially, start the Herschell 400." Now faithful reader, you have been brought in on one of my secrets...I talk to myself. Why, you ask? Well, to be honest, I usually agree with myself.
According to Wikipedia, The Herschel 400 are a "subset of William Herschel's original deep sky catalog of 2,500 deep sky objects, selected by Brenda F. Guzman (Branchett), Lydel Guzman, Paul Jones, James Morrison, Peggy Taylor and Sara Saey of the Ancient City Astronomy Club in St. Augustine, Florida, USA circa 1980." They represent 400 of the brighter deep sky objects cataloged by William Herschel and are all observable from mid-northern latitudes. I have probably observed well over half of these objects already, but I have done so in a haphazard fashion and being a poor note taker, likely have no record of many of them...and even where records exist in my notes, they are written in a notebook by date of observation and are not collected or organized in any fashion whatsoever. As a resource, click here for the Herschell 400 catalog arranged by constellation published by the Astronomical League.
We just had a fairly wet storm leave the area and temperatures last night were much cooler than they had been over the past few weeks. I had a feeling that the night could be one of the few at my observatory where dew would actually be a concern. I pulled the dew shield for my 12 inch SCT out of storage, screwed it on. After observing Jupiter and taking a look at comet C/2010 G2 (Hill) (ephemerides here), I began to officially observe the Herschel 400.
The darkest and best skies from the Lost Pleiad Observatory are to the North and East and I decided to start my observations in the constellation of Andromeda...that and alphabetically they are first on the list, so it just seemed the right thing to do. All observations are made at magnifications of 145X and 234X, with occasional looks at planetary nebula and galaxies at 305X. While transparency was excellent last night, the seeing 9atmospheric stability) was average to below never really became steady. Regardless, in order of NGC designation:
Andromeda - The Princess
NGC 205 - Also known as M110 this is a large satellite of the the Great Andromeda Galaxy and at low power shares the view with M31 herself.
NGC 404 - Very close to the orange star Beta Andromeda, commonly called Mirach...sometimes called the Ghost of Mirach. Moving the star out of the field of view reveals a brighter nucleus and a round galaxy.
NGC 752 - One of only two Herschel 400 objects in Andromeda that I do not recall observing. An open cluster of stars, pretty, bright and not condensed. Magnitude 5.7
NGC 891 - An old favorite. This is an elusive edge on galaxy that I have observed in almost every telescope of decent aperture I have used. Dust lane visible with averted vision, quite ethereal. Sketch above right made with the Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter 32 inch Schulman Telescope
NGC 7662 - The Blue Snowball nebula shows a nice blue color and increasing the magnification reveals the incomplete bright inner ring. Sketch at left also made with the Schulman 32 inch.
NGC 7688 - The other Herschel 400 object in Andromeda not previously observed. Another bright open cluster...what else is there to say?
Aries (A good second constellation as it is my "sign"):
NGC 772 - A small 8 x 5 arcminute galaxy which is slightly elongated. No sign of arms, however, the nucleus is somewhat brighter than outer areas. Also known as Arp 78.
Cassiopeia - The Queen.
NGC 129 - Open cluster, attractive with many bright stars, probably 30-40 overall.
NGC 136 - A very small, faint, condensed patch of light...averted vision reveals a smattering of elusive pinpoints of light. Apparently an open cluster, but perhaps I am observing something in the background of the cluster?
NGC 185 - Also known as Caldwell 18, this is a small galaxy that seems slightly disturbed using averted vision. Also, a touch elongated.
NGC 225 - Another open cluster of bright stars...probably better in binoculars.
NGC 278 - A small round galaxy with a brighter nucleus. Just a couple arcminutes in diameter.
NGC 381 - One of the nicer open clusters so far with 50 - 70 stars, many of them faint giving the cluster a busy appearance.
NGC 436 - Yet another open cluster, containing many brighter stars with a few multiple stars among them.
NGC 457 - One of my favorite open clusters out there...looks best at low power where it looks like a winged creature. I like to call it the Owl, but at Halloween call it the Bat...some locals call it the Kachina Dancer. Whatever the name, it appears to have two bright eyes staring back at the observer while spreading it's wings wide.
NGC 559 - Another open cluster, bright stars, not very impressive.
NGC 637 - Duplicate of the above! Different stars, same impression in the 12 inch scope...yawn...
NGC 654 - OK, a little better in the eye candy department with twice as many stars as the above two objects and a higher level of condensation.
NGC 659 - Back to basics...maybe 10 cluster members well spread apart. Where are my (goto) binoculars?
NGC 663 - Now we are talking! Many faint stars, well condensed, at 145 power this cluster should be more famous. It has a delicate appearance with a dark lane running the length of the cluster.
NGC 1027 - Another open cluster, typical of others in this constellation. Bumping the telescope I think I can detect a subtle nebulosity enveloping this cluster...averted imagination? Maybe...Worth returning to at a truly dark site.
NGC 7789 - Wow! This is a beautiful cluster with well over 100 stars. As I continue to observe this cluster it started to appear as if it had a spiral shape to it...maybe time to get some rest. I took a walk around the yard to get the blood flowing, took a drink of water and came back to the scope. Sure enough, this cluster has a distinct spiral shape to it...once noticed I can not avoid seeing this obvious pattern. Favorite Herschel 400 object in Cassiopeia!!
NGC 7790 - What else? Another open cluster...about 30 stars gathered together...a let down after the previous cluster, but typical of these Cassiopeia clusters.
Cepheus - The King.
NGC 40 - This is a favorite planetary nebula that I have observed and sketched a couple times previously (example at left). The central star is easily visible in a circular shell of nebulosity with a bright "polar caps". Also known as Caldwell 2.
NGC 6939 - A well populated open cluster with many chains of stars emanating from its central regions. Probably upwards of 75 stars. In a lower power telescope one can observe this pretty cluster together with the galaxy below
NGC 6946 - A small low surface brightness galaxy that is very nearby to the cluster above. No sign of spiral arms, and only a slight brightening toward toward the nucleus. Also known as Caldwell 12, The Fireworks Galaxy.
NGC 7142 - Run of the mill open cluster- 20+ stars, fairly bright.
NGC 7160 - Barely an open cluster in the 12 inch scope...not many stars at all, although they are relatively bright ones.
NGC 7380 - A bright cluster embedded within some nebulosity. From a dark site this would likely be striking.
NGC 7510 - Open cluster (too many of these tonight!) with approximately 30 stars in the cluster. Relatively bright at magnitude 7.9
Perseus - The Hero.
NGC 651 - Planetary nebula widely known as the Little Dumbbell, M76. Pushing the power up to 305 reveals the bipolar nature of this nebula with brighter regions at the poles. Hints of the nebulous looping extensions noted when nudging the scope, although these would likely be invisible if I did not know they are there from previous observations.
NGC 869 and NGC 884 - The famous "Double Cluster" is the only object tonight for which I pulled out the 56mm plossl. At very low power I can almost appreciate the beauty of these two objects, containing several hundred stars, including some colorful stars near the center of each cluster.
NGC 1023 - This is a bright elongated galaxy nicely offset by a chain of stars south of the galaxy. A bright nucleus with some faint extensions make for a sight unique so far tonight. I took a break from simply observing and sketched this galaxy as seen at right.
NGC 1245- An open cluster, containing a fair number of stars, somewhat condensed with stars of similar brightness.
NGC 1342 - Another open cluster, not much to note, maybe 40 stars.
NGC 1444 - Small and faint cluster of stars, Herschel must have been sleepy by this point!
NGC 1513 - This is an interesting cluster in that it is shaped somewhat like a "U" is a bright a large cluster with 30 to 40 stars.
NGC 1528 - This is also an interesting open cluster with dark lanes passing between the lines of stars.
NGC 1545 - Final open cluster of the evening...and not an impressive one by any stretch. Dominated by two brighter stars.
Well, that is my report on night one of the official Herschel 400 observing run of the Lost Pleiad Observatory. I may try and get a few more objects in tonight, but am already quite happy with my Thanksgiving weekend start. 40 objects down, 360 to go! That means that if I average one object per night I should finish in a year...we'll see!
According to Wikipedia, The Herschel 400 are a "subset of William Herschel's original deep sky catalog of 2,500 deep sky objects, selected by Brenda F. Guzman (Branchett), Lydel Guzman, Paul Jones, James Morrison, Peggy Taylor and Sara Saey of the Ancient City Astronomy Club in St. Augustine, Florida, USA circa 1980." They represent 400 of the brighter deep sky objects cataloged by William Herschel and are all observable from mid-northern latitudes. I have probably observed well over half of these objects already, but I have done so in a haphazard fashion and being a poor note taker, likely have no record of many of them...and even where records exist in my notes, they are written in a notebook by date of observation and are not collected or organized in any fashion whatsoever. As a resource, click here for the Herschell 400 catalog arranged by constellation published by the Astronomical League.
Distribution of Herschel 400 objects
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Red = Galaxy///Green = Nebula///Yellow = Star Cluster |
We just had a fairly wet storm leave the area and temperatures last night were much cooler than they had been over the past few weeks. I had a feeling that the night could be one of the few at my observatory where dew would actually be a concern. I pulled the dew shield for my 12 inch SCT out of storage, screwed it on. After observing Jupiter and taking a look at comet C/2010 G2 (Hill) (ephemerides here), I began to officially observe the Herschel 400.
The darkest and best skies from the Lost Pleiad Observatory are to the North and East and I decided to start my observations in the constellation of Andromeda...that and alphabetically they are first on the list, so it just seemed the right thing to do. All observations are made at magnifications of 145X and 234X, with occasional looks at planetary nebula and galaxies at 305X. While transparency was excellent last night, the seeing 9atmospheric stability) was average to below never really became steady. Regardless, in order of NGC designation:
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NGC 891 |
NGC 205 - Also known as M110 this is a large satellite of the the Great Andromeda Galaxy and at low power shares the view with M31 herself.
NGC 404 - Very close to the orange star Beta Andromeda, commonly called Mirach...sometimes called the Ghost of Mirach. Moving the star out of the field of view reveals a brighter nucleus and a round galaxy.
NGC 752 - One of only two Herschel 400 objects in Andromeda that I do not recall observing. An open cluster of stars, pretty, bright and not condensed. Magnitude 5.7
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NGC 7662 |
NGC 7662 - The Blue Snowball nebula shows a nice blue color and increasing the magnification reveals the incomplete bright inner ring. Sketch at left also made with the Schulman 32 inch.
NGC 7688 - The other Herschel 400 object in Andromeda not previously observed. Another bright open cluster...what else is there to say?
Aries (A good second constellation as it is my "sign"):
NGC 772 - A small 8 x 5 arcminute galaxy which is slightly elongated. No sign of arms, however, the nucleus is somewhat brighter than outer areas. Also known as Arp 78.
Cassiopeia - The Queen.
NGC 129 - Open cluster, attractive with many bright stars, probably 30-40 overall.
NGC 136 - A very small, faint, condensed patch of light...averted vision reveals a smattering of elusive pinpoints of light. Apparently an open cluster, but perhaps I am observing something in the background of the cluster?
NGC 185 - Also known as Caldwell 18, this is a small galaxy that seems slightly disturbed using averted vision. Also, a touch elongated.
NGC 225 - Another open cluster of bright stars...probably better in binoculars.
NGC 278 - A small round galaxy with a brighter nucleus. Just a couple arcminutes in diameter.
NGC 381 - One of the nicer open clusters so far with 50 - 70 stars, many of them faint giving the cluster a busy appearance.
NGC 436 - Yet another open cluster, containing many brighter stars with a few multiple stars among them.
NGC 457 - One of my favorite open clusters out there...looks best at low power where it looks like a winged creature. I like to call it the Owl, but at Halloween call it the Bat...some locals call it the Kachina Dancer. Whatever the name, it appears to have two bright eyes staring back at the observer while spreading it's wings wide.
NGC 559 - Another open cluster, bright stars, not very impressive.
NGC 637 - Duplicate of the above! Different stars, same impression in the 12 inch scope...yawn...
NGC 654 - OK, a little better in the eye candy department with twice as many stars as the above two objects and a higher level of condensation.
NGC 659 - Back to basics...maybe 10 cluster members well spread apart. Where are my (goto) binoculars?
NGC 663 - Now we are talking! Many faint stars, well condensed, at 145 power this cluster should be more famous. It has a delicate appearance with a dark lane running the length of the cluster.
NGC 1027 - Another open cluster, typical of others in this constellation. Bumping the telescope I think I can detect a subtle nebulosity enveloping this cluster...averted imagination? Maybe...Worth returning to at a truly dark site.
NGC 7789 - Wow! This is a beautiful cluster with well over 100 stars. As I continue to observe this cluster it started to appear as if it had a spiral shape to it...maybe time to get some rest. I took a walk around the yard to get the blood flowing, took a drink of water and came back to the scope. Sure enough, this cluster has a distinct spiral shape to it...once noticed I can not avoid seeing this obvious pattern. Favorite Herschel 400 object in Cassiopeia!!
NGC 7790 - What else? Another open cluster...about 30 stars gathered together...a let down after the previous cluster, but typical of these Cassiopeia clusters.
Cepheus - The King.
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NGC 40 |
NGC 6939 - A well populated open cluster with many chains of stars emanating from its central regions. Probably upwards of 75 stars. In a lower power telescope one can observe this pretty cluster together with the galaxy below
NGC 6946 - A small low surface brightness galaxy that is very nearby to the cluster above. No sign of spiral arms, and only a slight brightening toward toward the nucleus. Also known as Caldwell 12, The Fireworks Galaxy.
NGC 7142 - Run of the mill open cluster- 20+ stars, fairly bright.
NGC 7160 - Barely an open cluster in the 12 inch scope...not many stars at all, although they are relatively bright ones.
NGC 7380 - A bright cluster embedded within some nebulosity. From a dark site this would likely be striking.
NGC 7510 - Open cluster (too many of these tonight!) with approximately 30 stars in the cluster. Relatively bright at magnitude 7.9
Perseus - The Hero.
NGC 651 - Planetary nebula widely known as the Little Dumbbell, M76. Pushing the power up to 305 reveals the bipolar nature of this nebula with brighter regions at the poles. Hints of the nebulous looping extensions noted when nudging the scope, although these would likely be invisible if I did not know they are there from previous observations.
NGC 869 and NGC 884 - The famous "Double Cluster" is the only object tonight for which I pulled out the 56mm plossl. At very low power I can almost appreciate the beauty of these two objects, containing several hundred stars, including some colorful stars near the center of each cluster.
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NGC 1023 |
NGC 1245- An open cluster, containing a fair number of stars, somewhat condensed with stars of similar brightness.
NGC 1342 - Another open cluster, not much to note, maybe 40 stars.
NGC 1444 - Small and faint cluster of stars, Herschel must have been sleepy by this point!
NGC 1513 - This is an interesting cluster in that it is shaped somewhat like a "U" is a bright a large cluster with 30 to 40 stars.
NGC 1528 - This is also an interesting open cluster with dark lanes passing between the lines of stars.
NGC 1545 - Final open cluster of the evening...and not an impressive one by any stretch. Dominated by two brighter stars.
Well, that is my report on night one of the official Herschel 400 observing run of the Lost Pleiad Observatory. I may try and get a few more objects in tonight, but am already quite happy with my Thanksgiving weekend start. 40 objects down, 360 to go! That means that if I average one object per night I should finish in a year...we'll see!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Photon Phix
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Seeing was fairly poor overall between passing clouds and the mostly unsteady air overhead- perhaps a 1 or 2 out of 5. The sketch was completed at 1721 UT (10:21 MST) using my Lunt Solar Systems 60mm pressure tuned hydrogen alpha telescope. During the time of my sketch, active region 11354 near the eastern limb exhibited a mild flare. I do not know what time the flare started or ended due to the clouds but I noticed it at approximately 1645 UT. While there are several numbered active regions on the face of the Sun right now, none of them were that remarkable. The complex of three regions rounding the northeast limb are enticing and perhaps the next several days will see some nice activity. The large filaments in the east are quite dark, which indicates that they are much cooler "waves" in the surrounding sea of plasma.
For comparison purposes, below are images taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly. The image at left was captured at 1727 UT and the image at right captured at 1722 UT, essentially the same time as my sketch. I have flipped the SDO images horizontally to match the orientation of my sketch with west at left.
Friday, November 11, 2011
NGC 7008 by eye and camera
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Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona |

You can see some of the other examples of the world-class imaging being done at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter by Adam Block and guests of the programs by visiting this web page.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Sunspot region 11339
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For comparison, below is the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory Daily Sunspot Drawing:
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This is a video I created using the freeware program JHelioviewer that shows the rotation of this spot group from about 2000 UT on 11/2 through 2000 UT today. The data is from the Solar Dynamics Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA):
Friday, October 28, 2011
ISS Solar Transit
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Sunday, October 23, 2011
Near and Far
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HST image of NGC 6751 |

Relatively near to us, almost two astronomical units away (about twice the earth-sun distance), Comet Garradd continues its slow trek through the solar system. The comet has brightened considerably, and I would estimate it very close to magnitude 7. Under the dark and steady skies of Portal, the tail was extensive with three main streamers visible, although not nearly as bright as my sketch at right would imply. My drawing was completed at 0255 UT on October 22nd, at 147x with the 12 inch SCT telescope. Comet Garradd is currently in Hercules and is an easy target even in a pair of 7 x 50 binoculars.
Finally, something far away...well, extra-galactic anyway. Guided to the location by Jerry Farrar, I made an observation of Globular Cluster G1 (Mayall II) in the Andromeda Galaxy. At 2.52 million light years away, this is the brightest cluster in the Andromeda galaxy, and quite possibly the remnant core of a dwarf galaxy that has merged with Andromeda. What confirms this observation is separating the small 15th magnitude stars that closely attend the cluster. While not much to look at, it is incredible to consider that using a small telescope we are able to see this object as clearly non-stellar, in another galaxy! Obviously, it is very massive, probably twice the size of Omega Centauri, the largest known globular cluster in the milky way. It is theorized that there may be a black hole at the center of G1. I made the sketch below with my 12 inch SCT at a magnification of 381x. At right is an HST image of the cluster. This cluster resides approximately 130,000 light years from the core of the Andromeda galaxy. (If you are interested in hunting it down, it is at RA 00:32:46.8 ~ DEC +39:34:42)
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Friday, October 14, 2011
SkyNights update

Sunset is incredible from the summit. At right, is a very pretty image of the Sun heading toward the horizon, approximately 3-4 minutes before the start of sunset. At sunset, guests often see a unique phenomenon called the green rim. How do I know that this photo is 3-4 minutes before sunset? Come to the program, learn the answer, and see the green rim for yourself.

Saturday, October 8, 2011
Solar sketch October 8th
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Active regions 11309 and 11312 in the northern hemisphere both contain dark spots, and it appears that there is another active region rounding the northeast limb. The southern hemisphere is awash with activity, although much of the plage regions are faint and the poor seeing conditions made visual observation challenging. Region 11311 in the southwest contains a spot, as does region 11308 (or maybe it is 11310, I am having trouble figuring out which regions are which this morning...). In the southeast, active region 11313 is the most dynamic of the regions with bright plage and what appears to be some bi-polar activity. There are spots in the east and west ends of the region, along with some dark fibrils arcing between them. There is an additional region of plage in the southern hemisphere, on the meridian, which is as of yet unnumbered. Below are comparison images from Big Bear Solar Observatory at left (taken at 1556 UT) and from the Solar Dynamics Observatory at right (taken at 1539 UT). Note that the image from SDO captures the massive prominence on the east limb beautifully. Look closely at the Big Bear image and you can see that the prominence is ghostly just on the extreme edge of the field of view.
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Sunday, October 2, 2011
Twice the fun
Yesterday afternoon I visited one of the local astronomy vendors, Stellar Vision, to see if proprietor Frank Lopez had some hardware that would allow me to piggyback my Lunt 60mm Hydrogen Alpha Telescope onto my recently acquired Astro-Telescopes 102mm f/11 achromat. I have been using the achromat for white light observations of the Sun and had been thinking about how great it would be if I could have both telescopes mounted simultaneously. The great thing about Frank is that he is like the Wizard of Oz- he goes behind his curtain (literally) you hear some wheels turning, metal parts clanging around, steam venting, and soon enough out he comes with some hardware that achieves exactly what you are looking for. Frank has spent years in the telescope business and deals in so much used equipment that I am not sure even he knows how many parts and he has behind the curtain. At left you can see my current set-up...Thanks to Frank for the mini, ring-top saddle that allows me to piggyback the Lunt! (Certainly I could have gone online and ordered this part from Losmandy, but I always believe in suporting the local vendor). While mostly convenient for me, this piggyback arrangement will be very useful for outreach activities.
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As luck would have it, we are in the middle of about a half-day of clear skies and I was able to get everything together this morning and make my first two sketches of the Sun without changing scopes. Right away I discovered how fun it is to notice a feature in either white light or hydrogen alpha and then to see if there is any associated feature visible in the other scope. The skies were not great, with passing cirrus and haze but I was still able to tease out quite a bit of detail, particularly in hydrogen alpha, as seen at right. This sketch was completed at 1535 UT (8:35 AM local). Active regions 11302 and 11305 continue to show significant activity as they rotate toward the Western limb. The spots in 11302 seem to have diminished a bit in size, although the plage and filaments in the region remain complex. Regions 11306 and 11307 seem to be decaying as the plage areas in these regions are markedly fainter than previous days. There is a new region that has rounded the NE limb that appears to have a spot (confirmed in white light...yeah!), and the region noted in the SE over the past two days has now been officially numbered 11308. There is a very large and beautiful prominence associated with this region.
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At left, is my white light sketch completed about 20 minutes later at 1557 UT (8:57 AM local). In addition to the numerous spots in the numbered regions, the new region in the northeast contains two very large spots, as well as a smaller spot. These spots appear elongated when near the solar limb, due to what is called the "Wilson Effect." This apparent elongation is the result of perspective- Keep in mind that the sun is a sphere. When looking near the center of the disc we are looking straight into the Solar atmosphere, yet when looking near the limb, we are actually looking across its atmosphere. Add to this the fact that sunspots are akin to depressions in the solar atmosphere and you get an obvious elongation. This same effect can be seen looking at craters along the extreme limb of the moon.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Welcome October!
Today is the start of October and right on schedule the weather here in the Old Pueblo is changing. While the Sun is shining steadily in clear blue skies this morning, later today will see heavy cloud cover, and increasing moisture for a few days. By weeks end, temps in the upper 80's!!
Quick report today, the Sun appears much as it has for the past two days. 5 active regions are making their way westward across the northern hemisphere of the sun. AR 11305 displays the strongest plage, and 11302 covers the largest area and contains the most spots. There is potentially an emerging region that has come around in the southeast, as well as a small ephemeral region of plage that has persisted since yesterday in the south. My sketch was completed at 1623 UT (9:23 AM local time) under very steady skies.
Below are images in Hydrogen Alpha from the Big Bear Solar Observatory (taken at 1634 UT), and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (taken at 1514 UT). I particularly enjoy the Big Bear image at left, as it is monochrome and more closely resembles the eyepiece view.
Quick report today, the Sun appears much as it has for the past two days. 5 active regions are making their way westward across the northern hemisphere of the sun. AR 11305 displays the strongest plage, and 11302 covers the largest area and contains the most spots. There is potentially an emerging region that has come around in the southeast, as well as a small ephemeral region of plage that has persisted since yesterday in the south. My sketch was completed at 1623 UT (9:23 AM local time) under very steady skies.
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Below are images in Hydrogen Alpha from the Big Bear Solar Observatory (taken at 1634 UT), and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (taken at 1514 UT). I particularly enjoy the Big Bear image at left, as it is monochrome and more closely resembles the eyepiece view.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
Solar Sketches 9-29
Today is the first day of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year- To everyone reading, I wish you a happy and healthy year! Being that I am off work, I set up the solar scopes today and made some afternoon sketches of the sun. I am quite pleased that the weather has changed enough to allow for 2 PM sketching. Only a couple weeks ago, I would have been overcooked by the time I placed pencil to paper. Not so today. While the temps are in the mid 90's, it actually feels nice out. Maybe I am truly turning into a desert rat?
The sketches below were made at the times reflected in the captions, and the images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory also have the time of capture below them. It is worth mentioning that neither my white light sketch, or the SDO white light image contain the detail and number of spots that were visible in AR 11302. I would estimate that that region alone contains in the neighborhood of 50 spots. It is interesting that while there are a half-dozen numbered active regions on the face of the sun, all of them are in the northern hemisphere.
Finally, the Mount Wilson Observatory in California has a 150 ft. Solar Tower from which they create a daily sunspot drawing. Not too many professional observatories create sketches, and below is today's sketch:
The sketches below were made at the times reflected in the captions, and the images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory also have the time of capture below them. It is worth mentioning that neither my white light sketch, or the SDO white light image contain the detail and number of spots that were visible in AR 11302. I would estimate that that region alone contains in the neighborhood of 50 spots. It is interesting that while there are a half-dozen numbered active regions on the face of the sun, all of them are in the northern hemisphere.
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2100 UT |
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2045 UT |
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2138 UT |
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2000 UT |
Finally, the Mount Wilson Observatory in California has a 150 ft. Solar Tower from which they create a daily sunspot drawing. Not too many professional observatories create sketches, and below is today's sketch:
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Sunday, September 25, 2011
Chiracauhua Astronomy Complex Grand Opening
Price Ranch and Perseus intersection |
"Eat more chicken" |
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Overall, despite getting clouded out early on Saturday, it was a fun weekend at a great astronomy complex. Kudos to everyone in the TAAA that had a hand in the development of the CAC. Not only are the skies excellent, but having access to an observatory housed 14 inch telescope, restrooms, showers, and observing pads with power make for an amateur astronomers dream.
Update...below is an image of the attendees preparing for "first light" of the clubs new 18 inch Obsession Telescope...Thanks to Bill Lofquist for this image.
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