For those of you still reading these posts, thanks!! I have been quite slack these last few weeks in writing up my observations. I am working on a long post that details my observations on the night of May 3rd-4th when I spent the entire night from sunset until sunrise observing with the 32 inch Schulman Telescope at the
Mount Lemmon Sky Center. During the night, I observed around 40 objects that I had never before seen, including many Arp galaxies and Abell planetary nebulas. What I should probably do is publish the post in segments so that it gets done rather than trying to get it all written up and posted at one time.
In addition to that wonderful night, I recently obtained a 102mm f/11 achromatic refractor that I plan to evaluate and write up a review of. It arrived damaged and I am awaiting a new focuser before I can really put it through its paces. I have used it a couple times, including observing the Sun in white light the past two mornings. The sketches are below and you can see how dramatically the two main spot groups have evolved in approximately 24 hours. More posts to follow in the next few days...
15 May 2011 |
14 May 2011 |