Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4th Sun

Quick capture this morning, trying to be more careful with the etalon tuning and also using a slightly shorter exposure time to freeze out some of the turbulence.  Seeing was not quite as good as yesterday but I still ended up with a reasonable image.  I think it is about time to start asking solar imagers about the settings that they use in Registax for the wavelet functions...I am having difficulty finding a good balance of sharpening/denoising.

Best thing about this above image is that it can be directly compared to yesterdays image and one can appreciate the changes and rotation of the Sun over 24 hours.  Note that I was able to capture some prominence detail along the limb in the right side.  To truly bring out the prominences, which are faint, the settings need to be adjusted (e.g. longer exposure, higher gain rate) and the surface detail will wash out.  The adventure continues...


  1. Hi Alan- Very impressive results for some first efforts! With a few more cycles, and applying what you learn, improvements will come quickly, I'm sure. Can't wait to see your Jupiter when it stays clear for a while! -Dean

  2. Thanks Dean- It is fun to try this out, but of course I want the results without all the hard work!
