Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jovian improvements

My faithful readers (you two know who you are) have seen that I have been learning to take planetary images of Jupiter and Venus these last few months.  I do not have the patience required to get into serious deep-space astrophotgraphy, but the planets are bright targets whose ever changing appearances make for constant photo opportunities, and require less investment of time and money.  My hope is to develop some skill at imaging Jupiter so that I can successfully image Mars in a way that will reveal some of the Martian detail.  Mars holds a special place for me as an observer in that it rewards patience.  It is often quite small and the details are I hope to achieve a level of skill and confidence with the camera and techniques as the current Mars apparition unfolds.

Alas, I digress (again, those of you who know me...)...with all the excitement of the supernova in M82, I have not gotten around to posting what is my best Jupiter image to date.  Below is an image captured through my Celestron 11" Edge HD SCT using the ASI120MC camera on Tuesday night.  I can say that I am making progress and soon, I will be ready get to work on Mars.  The moon closest to Jupiter is Io, and the one near the right edge is Europa.

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