

There are so many quality webpages and resources devoted to astronomy, that it would be impossible to capture them all in one place.  Following are some of the websites that I frequent, arranged by topic.  If you discover that a link is no longer working, or a useful link that I should include, please drop me an email at

Deep Sky Catalogs and Maps
Digitized Sky Survey
The STScI Digitized Sky Survey
Barnard's Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way
The NGC/IC Project
SEDS Messier Database
Telrad Messier Maps

Mount Lemmon SkyCenter
Flandrau Science Center
The Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers (ALPO)
The Astronomical League home page
Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association

SDO Solar Dynamics Observatory
Solar Rotation
SolarSoft Latest Events
Mt. Wilson 150-foot solar tower current sunspot drawing
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
Active Region Maps
Hydrogen Alpha tutorial

Virtual Moon Atlas freeware
Virtual Reality Moon Phase pictures
Consolidated Lunar atlas
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon

Mars Maps
The Planet Mars A History of Observation and Discovery
HiRise Mars Camera

Lunt Solar Systems
Telescope Engineering Company

Miscellaneous resources
NASA Eclipse Website
Heavens Above
Astronomy Resources at Space Telescope Science Institute
Stars - an incredible resource on stars!
Monthly Star Hops -- Current news and information
Astronomy Sketch of the Day
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Galaxy Zoo 2
Visual Satellite Observer's Home Page
CloudyNights Forums and Equipment Reviews
Astronomy Logs

Observing lists
Minor Planet and Comet Ephemeris Service
Adventures in Deep Space Challenging Observing Projects for Amateur Astronomers
Observable Comets
Saguaro Astronomy Club Observing Lists

Amateur Astronomer blogs and websites
FJ Astronomy: Visual Deep Sky Observing
Xanadu Observatory Blog
Victor Herrero's Blog
The Ketelson's Blog
Astroweis in Arizona Blog
Uncle Rod's Astro Blog
Theo Bakalexis' Solar Photos Blog
Paul Robertson's Blog
Oldfield's Observation Blog